Sunday, 1 February 2015

Je Suis

I don't think I could ever describe myself in one word. I don't think anyone can; human beings are infinite in their complexities.

I can describe myself in a phrase though.

Pleasantly passive-aggressive.

My resting bitch-face creates the outward projection that I'm moody, but I'm the first to smile if I make eye contact with anyone.

I spend my life in public visualising the agonising death/maiming of anyone who jumps the queue at the bus stop, stands on the left side of the escalators or wears double denim.

However if any of these individuals were to engage me, I would smile pleasantly and speak to them with the hyper politeness of an employee of the month.

The phrase itself is an oxymoron and I often feel like one myself.

Mind, conscience and body in constant conflict to behave, show that my mother raised me correctly and not take a machete to the tourists on Oxford Street.

I am a bohemian punk, divided between wanting to marvel in the beauty of the world and wanting to watch it burn.

Monday, 19 January 2015


Focus, darling, focus.

The worries of the world are too small to contain you.

The enemy is too weak to keep hold of you.

The stars are too dull to outshine you.

Let your standard fly high and your trumpets be heard throughout the land.

Be spectacular.

Be courageous.

Don't let them win.

Monday, 5 January 2015

Review: Deliver Me

Deliver Me
Deliver Me by Kate Jarvik Birch

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I finished this in one night if that's anything to go by...

Absolutely gripped and horrified by Wynne and Odessa's world. The brutality of it all was almost too much to bear but I couldn't look away.

Some good messages about the state or potential state of our world in there too, if you want to get into all that.

I'm still reeling.

I hope there is a sequel. I don't feel ready to leave the girls yet.

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